I'd like to begin by stating that everything that I do first and foremost is for my loved ones. The people I love make the world go round! They are the reason I am alive, the reason I wake up and go about my day day in and day out! I want this world to be a better place for them first and foremost, and I'm sure that you feel the same!


When I ask myself, what do people want to know about? I hope that they want to help themselves and our planet awaken and rise in consciousness! I developed this website to do just that! Mother Earth is attempting to "wake us the f* up!".  


 A short background on me: I attained my LMSW, as a Licensed Master of Social Work in the state of Idaho in 2022. I have learned a variety of therapeutic approaches to help others with their mental health. I find my intuition guides me well and I understand what the client needs from a therapeutic perspective. I have a high rate of client attendance and progress. My experiences up to this point have been a mixed bag as I am an HSP: Highly Sensitive Person. I work daily with people who are suicidal or have self-harming tendencies. The majority of them have ADHD, PTSD, as well as Anxiety and Depression. They are in desperate need of mental health support.


My training, my self-care routines, and my dedication to my clients have pulled me through many tough days! However, as I evolve I want to expand the potential for helping more and more people! The products and services on this site are dedicated to doing just that!


I have dedicated to repurposing myself and what I offer others. I created this website to share my Passion for helping others in the most simple and profound ways that I could think of. I'm dedicated to help our Mother Earth in raising the consciousness of humanity. My desire is to promote peace and deliver products and services that increase wellbeing. I love to learn and explore what this might look like and I'm excited to see it evolve! Our Mother Earth is in desperate need of our help and as a species, humanity has an obligation to take care of their Mother for without her we cannot exist! Wake The F* Up!