Welcome to Mel's Wellness 

At Mel's Wellness, we offer holistic solutions for a whole approach to wellness, including energy balancing for you, your loved ones, and Mother Nature. Our goal is to help you achieve joy and harmony in all aspects of your life and assist in restoring balance to Mother Earth and her Oceans.

Mel is in the process of exploring more ideas and insights to emulate the profundity of their offerings so stay tuned for *generational/trauma healing, dissolving blockages of past traumas, and returning to your authentic being.*




FLFE: enrich your life & help the planet at the same time!


Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE) can raise your consciousness levels including your property!


Qi Sessions to bring you more joy into your life!


Find out how Qi Energy Sessions can be tailored to your needs to help you restore more joy and passion into life! 


Water Ionizing: Keep plastics out of the oceans!


Improve your well-being by improving the quality of water you and your family are drinking and help keep plastics out of our Oceans! 


 Phototherapy in a patch: Discover what it can do for you!

Stimulate your body's own stem cells to feel better! No drugs just your body's own light! Find out how!


Mel's Mission:  Wake the F* Up Everyone!


I'd like to begin by stating that everything that I do first and foremost is for my loved ones. The people I love make the world go round! They are the reason I am alive, the reason I wake up and go about my day day in and day out! I want this world to be a better place for them first and foremost, and I'm sure that you feel the same!


When I ask myself, what do people want to know about? I hope that they want to help themselves and our planet awaken and rise in consciousness! I developed this website to do just that! Mother Earth is attempting to "wake us the f* up!".  


 A short background on me: I attained my LMSW, as a Licensed Master of Social Work in the state of Idaho in 2022. I have learned a variety of therapeutic approaches to help others with their mental health. I find my intuition guides me well and I understand what the client needs from a therapeutic perspective. I have a high rate of client attendance and progress. My experiences up to this point have been a mixed bag as I am an HSP: Highly Sensitive Person. I work daily with people who are suicidal or have self-harming tendencies. The majority of them have ADHD, PTSD, as well as Anxiety and Depression. They are in desperate need of mental health support.


My training, my self-care routines, and my dedication to my clients have pulled me through many tough days! However, as I evolve, I want to expand the potential for helping more and more people! The products and services on this site are dedicated to doing just that!


I have dedicated to repurposing myself and what I offer others. I created this website to share my Passion for helping others in the most simple and profound ways that I could think of. I'm dedicated to help our Mother Earth in raising the consciousness of humanity. My desire is to promote peace and deliver products and services that increase wellbeing. I love to learn and explore what this might look like and I'm excited to see it evolve! Our Mother Earth is in desperate need of our help and as a species, humanity has an obligation to take care of their Mother for without her we cannot exist! Wake The F* Up!


"I was recommended to try FLFE and was at a point in my experience that I was too anxious to even try it. My friend set her FLFE to my address and within 24 hours my panic attacks had subsided! I still have one occasionally but no where near the intensity they once were. I am able to recognize and break the pattern!"


- Lisa M. Shelley, Idaho


Contact us

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or to book a session. We look forward to hearing from you!


Mel's LLC

Pocatello, Idaho, United States

About us

Mel's LLC is dedicated to providing holistic solutions for restoring balance and wellness to Mother Earth her Oceans and humanity, one person at a time. With a focus on energy balancing and Qi, water ionization systems, and a plethora of other wellness services, Mel strives to help you achieve joy and harmony in all areas of your life. Explore, learn, and dive in! We are committed to guiding you on your path to optimal well-being.